Hello Nerds
I am Darshil Parikh also known as Darshil_TheCoder
Currently I am in Second Year I am pursuing B.E degree in Computer Engineering from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology Vasad, which is affiliated to Gujarat Technological University
I would like to add more about my self that Nowadays along with my degree I am learning Web development and alogn with that I have participated in hackthons too like Smart India Hackthon (SIH) , Major League Hacking(MLH) , HackClub SVIT.
I was the part of web and graphics team of Prakarsh which is the national level tech symposium organized by SVIT. My contribution in that is i have made certificates and provide icons for our website.
you can check below website
CLICK hereI was the part of web and graphics team of Vision which the intra college tech symposium . My contribution in that is I hava made Id cards and poster
My skills
- JS
- C language
- JAVA language