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About Me

Hello Nerds

I am Darshil Parikh also known as Darshil_TheCoder

Currently I am in Second Year I am pursuing B.E degree in Computer Engineering from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology Vasad, which is affiliated to Gujarat Technological University

I would like to add more about my self that Nowadays along with my degree I am learning Web development and alogn with that I have participated in hackthons too like Smart India Hackthon (SIH) , Major League Hacking(MLH) , HackClub SVIT.

I was the part of web and graphics team of Prakarsh which is the national level tech symposium organized by SVIT. My contribution in that is i have made certificates and provide icons for our website.

you can check below website

CLICK here

I was the part of web and graphics team of Vision which the intra college tech symposium . My contribution in that is I hava made Id cards and poster

My skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • C language
  • JAVA language